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Post on 03.12.2020

Pasteurization – A High-Level Disinfection Alternative

For reusable medical devices classified as semi-critical, the Food and Drug Administration requires high-level disinfection (a 6-log, 99.9999% level of microbial reduction) to make them safe for reuse on the next patient.

Most HLD processes use chemical disinfection to accomplish this 6-log reduction. However, they aren’t always the ideal solution because they carry risks for the staff who use them and the patients who may be exposed to residues from them. In addition, there is added consumable cost to the process.

So, what’s the alternative? Pasteurization, a thermal disinfection process, is achieved by fully immersing devices in heated water. Most of us have heard of its use in preserving and disinfecting foods and beverages, but it’s also a simple method for disinfecting heat-sensitive reusable medical devices.

Fortunately, there’s a readily available, proven washing and pasteurizing technology developed for healthcare providers. The 510(k) cleared Cenorin™ 610 and 610HT Washer-Pasteurizer/High Level Disinfectors, are designed to process many semi-critical and non-critical reusable medical devices.

Many hospitals have chosen pasteurization as an alternative for reprocessing medical devices. Call to schedule a webinar and learn more about how pasteurization can apply to your reprocessing needs.